Trump Extorted Ukraine:

While President Trump is at the center of the Ukraine controversy, the alleged extortion scheme likely implicates a host of top administration officials and advisers. Link:

World’s 1st Weather Satellite

TIROS 1, Launched April 1, 1960, NASA’s first satellite designed to determine if Earth could be studied from space was TIROS-1. The mission, managed and operated by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, was a spiritual predecessor to to TIROS 1 (Television and InfraRed Observation Satellite), the first weather satellite, was designed to test the feasibility […]

International Rescue Committee

The (IRC) was founded in 1933 by Albert Einstein, to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees fleeing from Nazi Germany. The organization then went on to deliver aid to refugees from around Europe, such as Italy and Spain, that were also fleeing conflict.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières “They gave us two options: leave for Chad or be killed”Stories from the wounded people fleeing violence in Sudan Story :