The Campaign

Closing techniques ;

This is the mindset of a great con, there is 1 message from  Maga, and it is echoed thousands of

times a day, from the GOP sound machine. We are going to win, we are almost there, and it is

almost like a chant, a repetitive sound to dominate the air waves.  Here is a description of how

it manifests and duplicates itself.

The Technique;

A closing technique in sales is a method used to encourage prospects to convert into customers

or voters. There’s a process to closing successfully first, you have to pique their interest, butter

them up with benefits, and offer an unbeatable deal.  Know the difference between a strategy

and a technique? A strategy is a plan of action to achieve a goal. A technique is a method

you use to work towards reaching that goal.

The Assumption Close;

By assuming your voter is ready to close, it can help motivate them to do so.  The goal

is to bring positivity. sometimes, showing good intentions earns trust. And by asking

assumptive questions, it gets the voter’s mind working on making a decision.

The Hard Close;

This close is suppose to be a last ditch effort, also known as  ” what have you got to lose”.  It is

the hail Mary of techniques, used only after attempting others and failed.

Courtesy of Medium – Cody Cameron -Published in The Startup Sep 29, 2018

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