During the American Revolutionary War, treason was considered a serious crime

and punishable by death. Execution method for traitors was hanging, and included

forfeiture of property, and loss of civil rights.   Other

forms of punishment and discipline that were imposed on traitors during the

American Revolutionary War and during the 18th century, were,

1.  Imprisonment:  

2.  Banishment or Exile:  

3.  Public Humiliation:  

4.  Branding:  

5.  Fines:  

6.  Whipping:  

7.  Reputational Damage:  

A-Seditionists, consisting of bankers, GOP donors, foreign players, private

companies still display their commitment to Donald Trump and openly

disregard public opinion of their acts,

B- 147 Republican lawmakers (insurrectionists) objected to the election results

after the Capitol attack

C-Eighty-four Republicans in seven states falsely claimed to be Donald Trump’s

presidential electors in December 2020.

D-We knew there were crooked lawyers and corrupt judges, now America has

discovered our Supreme Court is creating chaos in America’s society to help

a traitor, a man liable for sexual assault, a convicted felon, and an insurrectionist. 

So who are these individuals that do not care about democracy?

The Hill published a Max Burns, opinion contributor’s piece, who wrote;

Ask a MAGA Republican what will happen if former President Donald Trump

is convicted in any of his four criminal trials and the answer is almost always

the same: civil war.

Our ancestors had it right, some form of punishment should be imposed, our duty

is to remind ourselves not to remain silent and speak up and be recognized. 

Insurrectionist and traitors must be held accountable at every level, in the courts

and in our streets; it is time to be heard.


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