Christian nationalist

In Idaho, locals meet to discuss Christian nationalist church’s growing influence
Moscow, IDAHO (FaVs) — Nearly 200 residents gathered to hear a podcaster who is investigating the growing influence of Christian nationalist leader Doug Wilson in the community.
MOSCOW, Idaho (FāVS News) — Nearly 200 residents of this northern Idaho town gathered Tuesday night (Dec. 17) to discuss combating Christian nationalism, joined by a podcaster who is investigating the growing influence of Christian nationalist leader Doug Wilson in the community.
In the second season of his podcast “Extremely American,” Heath Druzin has been looking into the activities of Wilson’s Christ Church and its role in the extremist movement. Titled “Onward Christian Soldiers,” the season has already topped 1 million downloads.
Druzin explained to the crowd that Wilson, 71, who runs the Community of Reformed Evangelical Churches, a Calvinist church group, and an education empire that includes 500 “classical” Christian schools, is more influential nationally than locally.

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