Nuclear Fallout from Atomic Bomb Testing

Congress discussed the environmental and health consequences of nuclear fallout resulting from atmospheric nuclear tests.  Atomic Tests Were a Tourist Draw in 1950s Las Vegas, Nevada’s nuclear-bomb testing spawned a spectator culture tinged with both profound fear and Sin City delight. Years ago, another sort of light flashed over Fremont and attracted a crowd: the […]

Research and Development

Cold War Organizations and Climate Research 1n the1950s began with the Office of Naval Research invested in research and development to understand environmental issues better From the late 1940s into the 1960s, many of the papers cited in these essays carried a thought-provoking footnote: “This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research.” The […]

Industry Initiatives and Self-Regulation

Defense, Denial, and Disinformation: Uncovering the Oil Industry’s Early Knowledge of Climate Change  Starting in the 1950s, the oil industry designated funds to research the effects of pollution on the environment. For example, the 1954 American Petroleum Institute (API) article “The Petroleum Industry Sponsors Air Pollution Research” suggested that smog was the product of a […]

Smog in Industrial Cities

Smog episodes due to the combination of industrial pollutants and atmospheric conditions in the Great Smog of London, lethal smog that covered the city of London for five days, from December 5 to December 9, in 1952. It was caused by a combination of industrial pollution and high-pressure weather conditions. The smoke and fog brought […]

Government Regulation and Legislation

Pervasive smog in New York City and Los Angeles, the Santa Barbara oil spill, and the Cuyahoga River fires made headlines and frightened Americans across the country.  During the late 1960s, an “environmental crisis” took shape as a series of environmental catastrophes and revelatory books transformed the American environmental consciousness. Soon before the crisis took […]

Air Pollution from Industrial Activities

Donora, Pa., was enveloped in a lethal haze in October of 1948, over five days, nearly half of the town’s 14,000 resident’s experienced severe respiratory or cardiovascular problems. It was difficult to breathe. The death toll rose to nearly 40.  The situation in Donora was extreme, but it reflected a trend. Air pollution had become […]


false information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media.


false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.

US Christian group accused of covering up sexual abuse of minors

Roland and her attorney, Bobby Samini, have filed a series of lawsuits against the International Churches of Christ – abbreviated as ICOC – which allege that its leaders failed to report as well as plotted to conceal the sexual and emotional abuse of women and children who worshipped alongside them. One of the lawsuits is […]

Religious leaders who sleep with children and what the world is doing about it 

RELIGION AND SEXUAL ABUSE According to statistics, over 30 million children are sexually abused each year. If we factor into the equation that over 60 % of children never disclose abuse, the real number is likely significantly higher. FOLLOW: