Research and Development

Cold War Organizations and Climate Research 1n the1950s began with the

Office of Naval Research invested in research and development to understand

environmental issues better From the late 1940s into the 1960s, many of the

papers cited in these essays carried a thought-provoking footnote: “This work

was supported by the Office of Naval Research.” The ONR’s work is a well-

known chapter in the history of American science. In 1945, as the war effort

wound down and scientists worried about where they would find support, the

United States Navy decided to fund basic research. The other military services

soon followed. Their support reflected a recognition among some officers

that they would need scientists for many purposes. The war had been

shortened, if not decided, by radar, the atomic bomb, and dozens of other

scientific devices barely imagined a decade earlier. Who could guess what

basic research might turn up next?

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